I've heard them called molesters of children Violators of the young Defilers of the Pure

ruiners of our fair manhood... down Washington way they say they're Subversive...

Traitors to their country...

I've heard cops and chiefs say

they'd rather touch excrement

than one of these That there's only one way

to deal with the sons of bitches...

with a bullet...

I've heard them damned from the pulpit

One and all without exception

regardless of Deed or qualities. ..

Damned to eternal Hell

Without Clemency

without mercy..

by the shepherds of the Spirit

the men of God...


beyond the Grace

of Divinity ...

I've heard them labeled

insane malformed retarded of development Regardless of Deportment

or manner of Life

by men of humane profession

who lay claim to intellectual objectivity...

The Great American Untouchable

In new Conformist Socially Oriented LingoNeurotic Misfit


Perhaps a politer way

to put it But

the result is all the same

Outcast Kicked Out

and pariah...

And what in Hell Is It All About?

What's the Nature of this foul and beastly crime? What's the truth about this Scandal of the Ages?

well... my children... my dears...

I'll tell you..

it's like this...

you see...

they love each other...
